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A Resouce For Team Managers


Whether you’re a first-time Team Manager or a seasoned pro, we know you’ve got a lot of ground to cover before your team attends their local tournament. There’s materials, schedules, paperwork (gulp), and all the other logistics that go into managing a DI team. We know it can feel like a lot – but don’t worry, we are here to help.

Introducing Roadmap+:
a series of resources just for you.

All Team Managers get the chance to opt-in to this email subscription upon registration. If you join, you’ll get special tips and resources sent directly to your inbox. Activities, links, and other great insights from the DI community will be headed your way! These materials are shared at no additional cost to help enhance your Team Manager experience. You’ll receive emails about once a week.

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Roadmap+ topics include:

After you purchase a Team Number and register as a Team Manager, you’ll get access to your subscription.