Celebrating Champions: Inclusion in DI (Part 2)

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In our previous blog post, we introduced you to four incredible individuals who are champions for inclusion within the Destination Imagination (DI) community. Their dedication to fostering a welcoming and diverse environment ensures that every child has the opportunity to experience the transformative power of DI.

In this blog post (Part 2 of 3), we’d like to shine a spotlight on three more Champions of Inclusion who are making a difference in their respective regions: Kathy O’Holleran, Fabiola González, and Tonya Hernández. Each brings a unique perspective and set of skills to the table, but they all share a common goal: to make DI accessible and enriching for all students.

Kathy O’Holleran, Regional Director, Illinois 

A group of students from Chicago, Illinois, who participated in DI's SkillFire program, pose for a photo together in front of the SkillFire Tournament sign.

Kathy O’Holleran’s journey in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) began with her passion for nurturing essential skills in young people through her work as a Human Resource Consultant and a dedicated parent. Early on, she recognized that the creativity, collaboration, and resilience fostered by the Destination Imagination (DI) program could benefit all children. However, she noticed a troubling trend: DI participants predominantly came from affluent backgrounds, leaving many underserved communities without access to these invaluable opportunities. This realization drove Kathy to explore why the program was not reaching a more diverse population and led her to collaborate with like-minded individuals to address these gaps. Through partnerships with organizations like the Chicago Metro YMCA, she embarked on a mission to bring DI to underserved communities, ensuring that all children, regardless of their socioeconomic background, could benefit from the program’s life-changing experiences.

Over the past decade, Kathy’s efforts led to open conversations between DI Illinois, Chicago Metro YMCA, and Destination Imagination, Inc. (headquarters) leading to the creation of the DI modular program, SkillFire, that answered the needs of the underserved communities being served. Utilizing the SkillFire modular approach, they have successfully reached over 900 students in 24 Chicago public schools. This program, delivered by young after-school staff, introduces students to the creative challenges of DI, fostering a sense of accomplishment and belonging among participants. Kathy’s dedication has not only expanded DI’s reach but also inspired countless volunteers to join her in this mission. The success stories, from a high school student finding recognition for the first time to a DI participant achieving their dream of attending college, are testaments to the transformative power of inclusive programming. Kathy’s work underscores the importance of evolving educational initiatives to meet the needs of today’s diverse student populations, ensuring that DI’s impact continues to grow and touch the lives of those who need it most.

Fabiola González, Affiliate Challenge Master, Mexico

Fabiola González realized during her community work in high school that privilege can sometimes block our ability to see clearly. Her experience with Girl Up and Tierra de Artistas helped her to recognize her own privilege and begin to develop her ability to listen and observe actively.  As her perspective shifted, she became a driving force behind the importance of informing and empowering marginalized communities. From negotiating support for women to further their studies to encouraging business acumen in an artistic community, Fabiola continues to promote actions that empower.

Fabiola González at DI's Global Finals 2024 event. She is wearing a blue shirt and a DI alumni red tie with various pins attached to it. Fabiola is holding up her Champion of Inclusion Award certificate.

She brought this mindset into DI as the Engineering Challenge Master and as a newly appointed Alumni Council Representative. In response to team behaviors that were leading to an atmosphere of separation and competition, Fabiola decided to place a strong emphasis on the socialization process during the prep area at tournaments. Understanding that this space is crucial for participants to connect, feel supported, and relax, she has worked to ensure that it fosters a sense of belonging for everyone. Fabiola has implemented strategies to make the prep area a more inclusive environment, encouraging multiple teams to occupy the prep space at the same time, encouraging a natural support system. By playing games, teams increase social interaction and lower anxiety. Her efforts in enhancing this critical part of the tournament experience have reaped benefits observed by the appraisal team in the lowered anxiety levels of the team members as they present their solutions.

In addition to her work within the tournament setting, Fabiola also holds high hopes for reconnecting alumni with the DI community in Mexico. She will continue the work that has been started to build connections and create a supportive community for Mexican alumni. This initiative not only fosters a sense of belonging but also ensures that DI’s values of diversity and inclusion continue to thrive beyond the initial participation, extending into the broader DI community and alumni network. 

Tonya Hernández, Affiliate Instant Challenge Master, Michigan

Tonya Hernández is wearing a gray DI Michigan t-shirt and is smiling. She is holding her Champion of Inclusion pin and certificate.

As part of the Special Education Inclusive DI initiatives in Michigan, which is the brainchild of volunteer Mary Chamberlin, Tonya Hernández has played a significant role in the accessibility of Instant Challenges for more than 200 special education students. The activities are designed with flexibility in mind, focusing on removing barriers and creating a physically and cognitively accessible environment. This is accomplished by expanding the time allotted and keeping the activity task-focused instead of time-focused, ensuring that there are plenty of materials for all students, and designing activities to be tactile and stress-free to minimize overstimulation. Teachers and aides actively participate, developing stronger bonds with their students. Tonya shares that this bonding is possible with a relaxation in the concept of interference.

Tonya emphasizes that these efforts are collaborative and highlights the vision that Mary had and how it continues to grow and develop. Everyone deserves access to opportunities that allow them to thrive, regardless of their abilities or challenges. Tonya emphasizes the importance of focusing on what individuals can do, rather than what they cannot. She believes in the power of persistence, creativity, and open-mindedness, urging others to approach DEI not just as a checklist, but as an ongoing commitment to understanding and supporting the diverse needs of all individuals.

If you know someone who is a DEIB advocate or ally in your DI community and wish to nominate them, please reach out to your Affiliate Director.