You Know You’re a DI Kid When…

Brown paper background. Text says, "You Know You're a DI Kid When..."

By Liz Lohrmann, DI Alumna Destination Imagination (DI) allows each and every one of its participants to have incredible experiences from which they can learn. Here are a few experiences that every DI alum and participant can relate to: Are you a Destination Imagination alum? We want to hear your DI stories and tips for […]

How to Get Your Team to Focus

A Destination Imagination improv teams, wearing matching yellow shorts, performs at Global Finals.

By Jennifer Andreachi, Team Manager  There always seems to be a small window in which you can get your team to focus all at the same time. You may manage a team where some of your kids work better with certain members and not well with others. Some of your team members may struggle with […]

How Improv Skills Can Help Any Team

A Destination Imagination team poses for a photo at Global Finals.

By Kirsten Merryman, Team Manager, Maryland When I first started managing a team doing the Improvisation Challenge for DI, I have to admit that I felt some despair. During the early days, a typical practice session would look something like this: Susie proposes an idea to solve the Challenge. In fact, she proposes twenty ideas […]