S1 Episode 3: Music, Art and Technology with Grace Hsiu

“I think one of the biggest things that I feel like kids could learn is how to work well with others, how to collaborate, how to be able to listen to their teammates, and also how to accept constructive feedback because that will go very, very, very, very far no matter what field that you […]
S1 Episode 2: Offering Up Grace with India Sylvester

“Realize that there’s no expectation that you must get it all right. That’s where that grace comes in. But really being genuine and recognizing that I don’t know everything, whomever’s having that conversation may not know everything, but they’re open and willing to learn…grace is huge. I cannot stress that enough.” – India Sylvester In […]
S1 Episode 1: Finding Paths to Pursue Your Passion with Andrew Berry

“All jobs are work, but all jobs don’t necessarily have to feel like work.” – Andrew Berry In our first episode, Andrew Berry, General Manager of the Cleveland Browns, reflects on his journey to a career in professional football via Harvard, a computer science degree, and being willing to say no to Wall Street—proving there are […]