Halloween STEAM: Contactless Candy Dispenser

Participating in trick-or-treating this Halloween? Make it a safer, hands-free celebration with this fun and affordable STEAM activity! Contactless Candy STEAM Activity Build a device that can deliver candy to trick-or-treaters at least 6 feet away. You must create your device using at least 4 different materials found around your house. Make this activity more […]
Letter from Our Executive Director (10.19.20)

Dear DI Family, I know, it’s been a while since you heard from me. Earlier this year, I decided to run for re-election to my local Board of Education. I have had many people describe it as a “thankless job.” Others have asked, “Wasn’t one term enough?” And every week, without fail, my own campaign […]
Get a Head Start on the Next Season of DI

It’s time to get your team started! “But wait,” you say, “the Challenges aren’t available yet! Why would we get started?” The time leading up to the release of the Team Challenges is an unexpected gift to teams and Team Managers. This year, divide your Destination Imagination (DI) season into team-building and prep time (now […]
Make STEAM Learning (More!) Fun with Destination Imagination

Are your kids’ extracurriculars cancelled or up in the air? As parents and educators, our kids’ safety and well-being is our top priority…but we also need to keep them engaged, learning, and connected to their peers. And that can feel like an impossible task right now. Since we can’t predict the future, we had to […]
10 STEAM Activities for Kids (and Families!)

Over the past six few months, we’ve released more than 35 new (and free!) STEAM challenges to keep kids creative and learning while they’re stuck at home. Many of these challenges can be done virtually between kids and their friends, through distance learning or homeschool, or as a family activity. They’re also great practice for […]
Destination Imagination Receives 2020 Motorola Solutions Foundation Grant

Destination Imagination (DI) is excited to announce that it has received a $30,000 grant from the Motorola Solutions Foundation, the charitable arm of Motorola Solutions. Through the grant, our organization will have the opportunity to further expand access to its program for students in underserved communities in eight states—Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Texas and […]
Congrats to Our Virtual 5K Winners!

Thanks for making the Destination Imagination (DI) Run the World Virtual 5K a huge success! We loved watching our community come together to celebrate creativity in our first-ever charity race. More than 280 of you laced up your sparkliest shoes to support DI, and because of your support, more than $7,800 was raised to help […]
Apple Tower STEAM Activity for Kids

Looking for more ways to incorporate fun, affordable STEAM activities into your virtual or in-person classroom, learning pod, or homeschool? With apple picking season in full swing, we’ve got a brand-new Instant Challenge for you! For this STEAM activity, students will build a freestanding tower as tall as possible that can hold an apple at […]
3 Tips for Your School Community: What We Learned by Going Virtual

Let’s face it. The 2019-2020 school year ended a little unceremoniously, as we all ran for cover against coronavirus. Despite educators’ and parents’ best efforts this spring, online learning may have been challenging, possibly producing mixed results. Now’s the time for a do-over. With the new school year upon us, you may be focused on […]
Check Out Winning Solutions from Global Finals 2020

This summer, our Global Finals competition went entirely virtual due to Covid-19. Not only did it put our staff’s and volunteers’ quick, creative problem-solving skills to the test, but also that of elementary through high school students across the world. More than 600 teams from 15 countries participated in Global Finals 2020: Summer of Creativity, […]
DI Virtual 5K: Run the World With Us!

Global Finals 2020 – our Summer of Creativity event – was a huge success and we loved seeing all of our teams’ incredible solutions and out-of-the-box thinking. And since we still have a few weeks of summer left here in the U.S., we’re planning to keep the Summer of Creativity running! Join us for the […]
3 Ways DI Will Change—and 3 Ways It Stays the Same—for the 2020-21 Season

So much of our lives is up in the air right now. But we know one thing is certain: if you’re anything like us, you can’t wait to get started on the next season of Destination Imagination (DI). Normally at this time of year, we’re announcing all of the Challenges. As you can imagine, coronavirus […]