Raising Children to Give Back

Minnesota DI Team at a DI Tournament

Did you know that volunteering is one of the most beneficial extracurriculars for children? Studies have shown that volunteering not only supports kids’ mental health, but helps them to grow in four critical areas: social skills, empathy, self-efficacy, and civic responsibility. Participants can develop these very skills in our Service Learning Challenge (one of 6 […]

Runaway Turkey Thanksgiving STEAM Challenge

Three turkeys with scared looks on their faces.

When it comes to holidays and kids, STEAM challenges are a win-win every time. Your kids or class will have a blast trying to rescue their turkey in our Thanksgiving-themed challenge, Runaway Turkey.  Happy creating, and be sure to share your awesome work with us using hashtags #DestinationImagination and #InstantChallenge.  CHALLENGE: Help! The turkey needs […]

Roller Coaster STEAM Challenge

Let’s create our own thrilling ride! Roller coasters are one of the most popular attractions at amusement parks. For this STEAM challenge, kids will use their creativity, imagination, and everyday materials to design and create their own miniature roller coaster. (It’s really as cool as it sounds and is a hit with elementary and middle […]

Team Manager Tips: Understanding Interference

Text says, "Tips for Team Managers: Understanding Interference." On the right, there is an illustration of a palm of a hand making a "stop" sign.

In the Destination Imagination Challenge Experience, one of our most valuable components is our Interference policy. Kids must work together as a team to solve their Challenge without any input or ideas from others, including Team Managers, parents, and friends. In doing this, kids learn how to problem-solve and make compromises, become more independent, and […]

Back To School STEAM: Book Tower Challenge

School-related illustration, including a pencil, paper, books, apple, and more. Text says, "Destination Imagination Back to School STEAM Challenge: Book Tower."

When you come across tower activities for kids, you might think, “This looks easy. How does this benefit my kids?” First, don’t be fooled! Tower challenges can be more difficult than you think. Second, in addition to teaching children basic STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) principles, tower activities teach kids a wide range of […]

Team Tips: How to Choose a Challenge

Destination Imagination team at Global Finals 2022

Welcome to a brand-new season of Destination Imagination (DI)! Your team is about to embark on an incredible journey together and we are so excited to see what you will learn and create over the next several months.  One of the first things you will do as a DI team is choose a Team Challenge […]

Our 2022-23 Team Challenges are here ?

4 Destination Imagination teams and the 22-23 Team Challenge logos

Welcome to a brand-new season of Destination Imagination! This is our 24th season and we are so excited to welcome students, parents, teachers, and volunteers from around the world.  Today is the day we’ve all been waiting for! Our 2022-23 Team Challenges are now available. From engineering a rollercoaster to reimagining a famous story, we have […]

Paper Tower STEAM Activity

A young child builds a tower out of paper.

It’s back-to-school season, and what better way to get kids excited about a new school year than with a fun ice breaker to help everyone get to know one another. The Paper Tower challenge is one of our favorite STEAM activities for kids. First, the only material required is paper (a win for any of […]

2022 Digital Open: A Virtual STEAM Competition

2022 Digital Open

Looking for a STEAM program that’s flexible enough to meet your needs? Join us for the 2022 Digital Open! The Digital Open is a seven-week, travel-free STEAM competition open to elementary, middle school, high school, and university students worldwide. Teams can solve the challenge together in-person, remotely, at school or from the comfort of their […]

15 Screen-Free STEAM Activities for Kids

Images of screen-free activities that kids can do, including building a cardboard rocket ship, making puppets, creating a garden, and making art from things found in nature.

How many times have you heard “I’m bored” from your kids? Probably too many to count. A lot of times when kids are bored, they’ll turn to screens–television, video games, tablets. And when you’re busy or exhausted, it may be difficult to figure out some new activities for them.  Check out these 15 screen-free activities […]

Students Make Amazing Happen Across the World

Students Make Amazing Happen Across the World. Photo includes pictures of 3 teams that participated in the ImagineXperience program.

Congratulations to all of our 2022 ImagineXperience teams who showed the world how creative, innovative, and extraordinary you can be when you stretch the limits of your imagination and collaborate with others to bring your ideas to life. You all truly made amazing happen. We would also like to thank all of our Team Managers, […]