Please help DI thrive in 2021

I’m writing to ask for your help. 2020 has been tough on people and I know that everyone has had to wear a lot of different hats this year. Here at Destination Imagination (DI), it has also been really tough as we continue to face the loss of a significant portion of our annual operating […]
Maryland Mom ?, DI Donator ?

I am a proud mom of six wonderful children and the Team Coordinator and Team Manager for homeschooling Destination Imagination teams in Charles County, Maryland. My proudest DI moment came in 2019 when co-manager Mrs. Jones and I took two of our sons and their two friends, the “D.I.Lusionals,” to the Destination Imagination Global Finals. […]
Intern at Destination Imagination Next Spring!

APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED For more than 20 years, Destination Imagination (DI) has been inspiring participants to achieve anything they can imagine in life. Along the way, we have offered a variety of internship opportunities that have provided valuable professional experiences for those who have participated. Now, once again, DI is looking for top talent to […]
Happy Holidays from Our Staff

It’s sure been an eventful 2020, and we are grateful to have spent it with you creating, exploring, problem-solving, and having powerful conversations. Thank you for your continuous support of Destination Imagination and for providing children with creative, life-changing educational experiences at a time when they need it most. Please note that our headquarters will […]
Tiny Hat, Generous Heart ❤️?

As a 6-year-old growing up in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, I remember watching my brother and at his DI team perform at our local tournament. Even in the cold winter months, they seemed to have so much fun solving their chosen DI challenge—making colorful creations, costumes and gadgets. I remember thinking that someday I also wanted […]
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

This year was one that required a bit of teamwork and a whole lot of creativity. As a Secondary Level Destination Imagination team from The Academy of Science and Technology in Woodlands, Texas, we are used to working together to get the job done. DI meetings in a socially-distant world? We got that covered! From […]
Friends & Family Virtual STEAM Challenge: Picture It

The pandemic may be separating us, but storytelling is a powerful tool that can bring us together again. If your family is anything like ours, you’ve used books and movies as a way to find solace and connection. When you have these moments together, it may even feel like a family victory. But have you […]
Improv & Engineering Challenges Now Available!

We’re excited to announce that our Improvisational and Engineering Team Challenges are now available for download! Is this what you’ve been waiting for? Did we save the best for last? (Just kidding! They’re all the best.) Here’s a preview of our 2020-21 Improvisational and Engineering Team Challenges. Research visual art styles and architecture styles. Design […]
Questions About This Season? Read This First!

Whether you’re a seasoned Destination Imagination team or you’re participating for the first time, this program season is much different than any other DI season we’ve had (because ya know… Covid). Our Rules of the Road resource contains all of the rules and procedures required to participate in a DI tournament and provides comprehensive details […]
Get Your Hat Ready!

Have you ever heard the expression, “wearing many hats”? It means that you have several different roles that are different from one to the next. If you are anything like me, you wear a lot of hats during the holiday season. I wear my ‘librarian hat’ when I am reading holiday stories to my students […]
Fall Into a New (Virtual) Season of Destination Imagination

There’s no way to sugarcoat it: Covid cases are surging again around the globe, and many of us are preparing to return to all-remote learning (if we weren’t there already). As parents and teachers, we’re worn out, scared, stressed, and at times even angry and disappointed. It can be a daily struggle, and we can […]
We’re So Thankful For You

2020 has been a year like none that I can remember. Instead of working from my office in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, my office has now been relocated to the sewing room in my home among my quilting fabrics, scissors, rulers and my beloved sewing machine. These days, I spend more time talking to my […]