Getting Started as a Team Manager

Getting Started as a Team Manager

You’ve gathered your team and are getting ready for your first team meeting. How do you get started? How will this group of students learn to work together? How will the team members get their ideas out of their heads and bring them to life? Destination Imagination provides resources to help you guide your team to a Challenge solution.


Roadmap is a Team Manager resource developed to assist you in guiding your team members as they design and execute a Challenge solution. Section three (Guiding Your Team) explains the roles you will fill as a Team Manager, gives examples of how to begin solving a Challenge, introduces project management, and provides example meeting agendas. Section three will also point you to other resources available in Roadmap.


Rules of the Road
Rules of the Road is a document that contains all of the rules, procedures, and some of the forms required to participate in a Team Challenge at a tournament. Regardless of the Team Challenge a team has selected, it is very important for the team members to review Rules of the Road to learn the details of the Challenge experience, to prepare for tournaments, and to make sure the Team Challenge solution complies with rules and procedures found in Rules of the Road.


Local Training Events
Your Region or Affiliate will provide local training with hands-on activities and opportunities to talk with knowledgeable DI volunteers near you and other Team Managers. Locate your Affiliate website here to find dates and locations for in-person trainings near you.


Destination Imagination Learning Management System
Our online training system includes courses to help Team Managers understand Interference, Rules of the Road, the Roles of a Team Manager, and how to get your team started on a solution. Challenge-specific trainings will be added to the training system by late October. All Team Managers are invited to join our online training system within a week of associating their name and email with a Team Number. Team Managers receive an email invitation from Adobe Captivate Prime with a link to help you set up an account. If you have a Team Number, please check your spam folder for the Adobe email. If you have not received a training email, please send your Team Number, name, email, and Affiliate (state or country) to Kris Beisel at [email protected].