Preview Our 2025-26 Team Challenges!

The logos for the 25-26 Destination Imagination Team Challenges

The creativity never stops at Destination Imagination! While our 2024-25 Destination Imagination teams are showcasing their innovative solutions, we’re already gearing up for an exciting new chapter of creativity and problem-solving! Whether you’re still in the thick of competition or looking ahead to what’s next, we have something incredible in store for you. Check out our Challenge Previews page for full details. 

Technical Challenge: Win It Big

25-26 "Win it Big" Technical Challenge logo

Step into the spotlight as you design and present your very own game show! With a host, a contestant, and high-stakes moments, your team will craft a dazzling experience filled with gimmicks, reveals, and show-stopping effects. What’s behind the curtain? Only your imagination knows!

Scientific Challenge: Unforgettable

25-26 "Unforgettable" Scientific Challenge logo

Did that really happen, or was it just a trick of the mind? This season, dive into the fascinating world of memory and misdirection as you bring a recollection to life. Your story will revolve around a memory that leads to a realization—complete with a special effect that will leave everyone wondering what’s real!

Engineering Challenge: Above and Beyond

25-26 "Above and Beyond" Engineering Challenge logo

Think big, build bigger! Your team will tell a story that starts in the middle of the action, featuring something that expands, extends, or rises above. You’ll also test your engineering skills by designing a structure that holds weight as far from the center as possible. How far can you push the limits?

Fine Arts Challenge: Becoming Super

25-26 "Becoming Super" Fine Arts Challenge

One decision can change everything. This season, your team will craft an origin story where one character becomes a superhero, and another transforms into a supervillain. Using stage makeup and a technical costume, you’ll bring this epic tale of fate and transformation to life!

Improvisational Challenge: Casting Shadows

25-26 "Casting Shadows" Improvisational Challenge logo

Light and dark, big and small, friend and foe—opposites take center stage in this year’s Improv Challenge! Your team will create an on-the-spot skit using an inciting incident, a resolution trope, and a randomly selected setting. And don’t forget to use a shadow screen to bring your story to life in a whole new way!

Service Learning Challenge: Give and Take

25-26 "Give and Take" Service Learning Challenge

When two opposing forces come together, anything can happen! This season, your team will take on a real-world project and bring your experience to the stage with a story about two characters who must work together to resolve a conflict. With misunderstandings, different viewpoints, and a resolution at stake, it’s time to flex your problem-solving skills—both on and off the stage!

Early Learning Challenge: Helping Hands

25-26 "Helping Hands" Early Learning Challenge logo

From teachers to firefighters to food bank workers, our world is full of everyday heroes. In this season’s Early Challenge, kids will explore the many ways in which community helpers make a difference by creating a play, designing a set, and even composing a song about lending a helping hand. Who will your team choose to celebrate?

This is just a sneak peek—there’s so much more to explore! Visit our Challenge Previews page now to dive into the full details. 

A new season of the Destination Imagination Challenge Experience begins August 1. Team Numbers can be purchased starting July 15. 

Rocket ship blasting off through the clouds. Text says, "Take project-based learning to new heights. Join us for a free info session to learn more about Destination Imagination."