At Destination Imagination, we strive to ensure that our life-changing Educational Experiences are accessible to children and youth from all types of backgrounds. In order to make this possible, we work with outside organizations to help us provide necessary funding to teams who may not otherwise be able to participate. For the past several years, Motorola Solutions Foundation has been working with Destination Imagination to help provide funding to teams from under-resourced communities that are located near Motorola facilities.
During the 2018-19 season, Destination Imagination, Inc., received a $50,000 grant from Motorola Solutions Foundation. This grant allowed Affiliates in Alabama, Colorado, California, Georgia, Maryland, Illinois and Washington to provide Challenge materials, teacher stipends and transportation grants to a total of 46 teams! Teams were formed in Title I schools and organizations such as Boys and Girls Clubs and The YMCA of Metro Chicago.

We are happy to announce that four of these teams will be attending Global Finals with the help of scholarships provided by the Motorola Solutions Foundation!
One of these teams is Team 2020 from Redmond, Washington. Team 2020 are a group of first-generation Americans who plan to be the very first members of their families to attend college. As part of their Challenge, they created a website to help other first-generation students in Washington State navigate the college admissions process. You can learn more about Team 2020 and their Service Learning project by visiting their website at

Thank you to Motorola Solutions Foundation for providing this wonderful opportunity for these innovative and creative teams.