2023-24 Published Clarifications

Every team is expected to know the Published
Clarifications for its Challenge.
The deadline to ask a Team Clarification is January 31, 2024, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
#1 NOVEMBER 15, 2023
In the Challenge, Section I.D.8 should read, “There are two options for creating the Testing Area. Option 1: The portion of the Testing Area marking the Measurement Zones will be made of felt fabric. Option 2: The Testing Area will be made of carpet squares. In either option, the edges of the Measurement Zones will be designated with hook-and-loop strips or painted onto the material with fabric paint or a similar type of paint. In either option, the surface of the Start Zone will be the tournament-provided floor; the surface of the Measurement Zones may have a 0.25in-0.5in (0.6cm-1.3cm) rise off the tournament-provided floor due to the thickness of the materials. (See Section I.D.12.)”
#2 JANUARY 29, 2024
In the Challenge, Section I.D.11 should read: “Your team must not place anything in the Start Zone other than the Modular Device, the container, the beanbag, and any tools your team will use for assembly or transformation of the Modular Device. Team members may be inside the Start Zone at any time.”