2021-22 Published Clarifications
Engineering Challenge
Roll With It
Every team is expected to know the Published
Clarifications for its Challenge.
Team Clarifications are currently closed.
The deadline to ask a Team Clarification was January 31, 2022, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

#1 OCTOBER 25, 2021
In the Challenge, Section I.D.7 should read: “Once the Structure has come to rest on the Tester Base and before Weight Placement begins, the only places the Structure may contact the Structure Tester are the top surface of the Tester Base, the bottom surface of the Pressure Board, and the Safety Pole. Once the Structure has come to rest on the Tester Base, it must not touch the ramp or extend beyond the Tester Base.”
#2 OCTOBER 25, 2021
In the Challenge, Section I.D.9 should read: “Once the Structure has come to rest on the Tester Base, if the Structure contacts the Structure Tester anywhere other than the top surface of the Tester Base, the bottom surface of the Pressure Board, and/or the Safety Pole, your team must reposition the Structure before beginning Weight Placement. Your team must also reposition the Structure before beginning Weight Placement if it touches the ramp or extends beyond the Tester Base. In this case, your team will not be eligible for the Precision Bonus. (See Section I.G.5.)”
#3 NOVEMBER 19, 2021
In the Challenge, Section I.B.1 should read: “Design and build the Structure, including the Wheels (see Section I.C.1), using only wood and glue.”