Destination Imagination
Trademark & VENDOR Info
The Destination Imagination logo and brand elements are valuable assets to us and are protected by trademark, copyright and other intellectual property laws.
Team members, Team Managers, parents and volunteers all have a role in protecting the Destination Imagination logos, name, and marks against unauthorized, inconsistent, and unlicensed use. We need to make sure that the Destination Imagination brand is used the right way. If you have trademark or copyright questions, please contact branding@dihq.org.
Pin trading is one of the most popular activities at Destination Imagination (DI) tournaments. In order to protect our organization, our DI teams and our volunteers, we have instated new pin guidelines for teams and individuals. Please be sure to review the guidelines below before creating pins for an official Destination Imagination event.
- A list of approved Destination Imagination, Inc. Licensed Pin Vendors is available below. More Licensed Pin Vendors will be added as they are approved. Our vendors are required to adhere to the guidelines published in our Pin Policies Doc and Brand & Style Guide.
If you have any questions regarding your pin design, we ask that you contact the Licensed Pin Vendor directly. - Teams and individuals are prohibited from infringing on a person’s or company’s intellectual property. Teams and individuals may work with Licensed Pin Vendors to create appropriate designs that do not violate relevant trademark laws. It is the responsibility of the Licensed Pin Vendor to ensure and communicate adherence to trademark laws.
- Download and review our Trademarks & Logos Cheat Sheet for Teams that breaks down the do’s and don’ts of using the DI marks.
- Teams and individuals may also purchase stock pins, available on the open market, for pin trading at Destination Imagination events.

All vendors who produce pins for Destination Imagination (DI) Affiliates (states, provinces, and countries) using DI trademarks must be licensed by Destination Imagination, Inc. DI strongly encourages Teams and Individuals to use a Licensed Pin Vendor to produce pins. Licensed Pin Vendors must adhere to trademark laws and abide by all guidelines included in the Licensed Pin Vendors policy. Purchase our License Pin Vendor Agreement License here.
All Vendors who produce apparel, merchandise, and promotional items for Destination Imagination Affiliates and Regions or Teams and Individuals that incorporate the DI trademarks must be licensed by Destination Imagination, Inc. Purchase our Apparel and Promotional Items Vendors License here.
Please check back later for updates to our vendor list.