S1 Episode 2: Offering Up Grace with India Sylvester

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“Realize that there’s no expectation that you must get it all right. That’s where that grace comes in. But really being genuine and recognizing that I don’t know everything, whomever’s having that conversation may not know everything, but they’re open and willing to learn…grace is huge. I cannot stress that enough.” – India Sylvester

In our latest episode, we are joined by India Sylvester, an executive leader at Lumen Technologies. India tells us about how her love of reading and a surprising college elective course drew her to a career in Human Resources. India also shares more about Lumen Technologies’ efforts to give back.

Lumen Technologies partnered with Destination Imagination on the ImagineXperience, a unique new classroom experience for youth. Learn more about the ImagineXperience here.

In this week’s episode, we ask you to start your DI team for the 21-22 season. Click here to learn about ways to get started.